About Me

My photo
I have a dog, two cats, live next door to the Woltersdorf family, and I attend Castle Rock Middle School (ugh). My picture is of my neighbor and me a few years ago playing with my dog.After reading the other profiles, I realized I needed to add one more thing- I am most definetly a christian!!! P. S. If I use bad grammer or have no idea what I'm talking about at some point, I BLAME PUBLIC EDUCATION!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Banana Head's CRAZY Birds

You may know that I live next door to the Woltersdorfs. My first blog is, in my opinion, somewhat humorous. I finally get to post this... Hannah made me promise I wouldn't tell anyone for a little while (don't ask me why). Anyway, I went to see if Hannah and Becca could visit for a while when Hannah suddenly grabs my arm and jerks me to her room. "Come here, Maddie! I have to show you something!". When I get in a situation like this I have no choice but to obey because Hannah is about twice as strong as me. When we went in her room she had me close the door after Becca as she reached in her dresser... and pulled out a small bird! Now, I have no problem with birds. I find them very cute despite the fact they have beady little eyes. I repeated several times, "Hannah, the bird doesn't look happy. If you let that thing go I don't know what I'll do to you, but you probably won't like whatever I come up with!" (okay, so I just asked her not to let go of the bird. ;)If I threaten her she hurts me!). Well, the bird wiggled out of her hands. I'm pretty sure it wasn't on purpose, but with Hannah you can never tell. With the bird flying in circles above us, I started squealing and hid behind Becca. If you can't tell by now that I'm not very brave or strong, then you need your brain checked out. In one move, Hannah had caught the bird. Sometimes I wonder if she has super (farm) powers... Well, The bird escaping, me cowering, and Hannah quickly recovering our feathered friend happened about three times before she put the bird back in the dresser. As I was walking out of the room, ready to go home, Hannah says, "Well, now you have something to write about in your blog, huh?" I couldn't help but smile as I walked away, realizing just how pathetic I can be ;). Oh, and this isn't the first bird that she has caught and kept in her dresser, and it won't be the last!!!!


Josiah Woltersdorf said...

When exactly did this happen?

Maddie said...

I think this happened last month... I told Hannah that I wrote about the bird here on my blog and she just said, "Which bird are we talking about?" :)

Rebecca Ann said...

Ha ha, I remember that, it was pretty funny when you hid behind me!! :)

Hannah said...

yep, I remember fredrick he was pretty cute I wanted to keep him but of course as my mom always says "let the bird go hannah" but you know whats more fun to catch than a barn swallow? A hummingbird!